Radiant Publications

To inspire the soul, to bring peace to the heart

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This blog came about as a result of dreams, prayers, and a good friend or two. We pray you too are inspired…


‘All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.’ -T. E. Lawrence

We live in a materialistic, worldly society, where the worth of things is dictated to us by their monetary value, the media and trends and ideals set by a handful of individuals. But try as society might to contort our view, there is no changing the facts.

Life is precious, people are valuable, souls are sacred.

Just remember, you are unique; there is only one person with this combination of attributes, quirks, gifts and personality. Only one person with your soul. Be the best version of yourself, because no one else can be.

Sure, we cannot control how people view us. But then, that’s never been any of our business anyways. People will try to argue with you, stamp on you and put you down. They will ridicule every value you ever had and demean you to the point where you wonder if there’s anything left of you. But they can never take away your inner light, your inner energy. Don’t let them sap it, let it shine out and reflect off every surface. Refuse to be anything but happy. Be with people whom your soul gravitates towards, and people who reflect that light back to you brighter than when it first shone from you. Because those people will help you grow.

Sure, the past happened. We did things we’d rather forget. Heard things we want to un-hear. Lived through experiences that we don’t care to re-live. But without them would we be the same individuals today? If you stretch a spring, then let go, it bounces back with so much energy – so should you. If you were never pulled to your limits, you’d never see just how much energy is bound up inside you. Now you have, it’s up to you to use it, it’s up to you to let your light radiate. Keep daydreaming and working for your dreams. We can’t all shout loudly, or no one would hear each other. And sometimes, very often in fact, no one wants to listen. But keep going. Ever watched a tiny droplet spread into a ripple?

You spent so much time alone climbing that mountain called life; it was tough terrain – rocky and slippery. You fell a few times, got cut and bruised. But then you healed, you kept ascending and you’re almost at the summit now. And when you get there, you have two options; climb back down the way you came, or step from the edge and soar. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone; take a risk, see the world from a different perspective, then come and tell all the people at the bottom about it. Tell them so they can climb and soar too – life is precious, people are valuable, souls are sacred. We need to help each other up – it’s no fun at the top if you’re all alone.

Dream a little, love a lot, because today is all we’ve got.